Please feel free to give me some feedback on how much you enjoyed it (or not) and what you’d like to see, or see more of. Here’s a link for feedback.
Thank you all so much for your support!!!
Happy ‘send random money to your favorite photographer/artist’ week! (kidding…but one can dream)
So, this week I was able to have three shoots with my new Canon R camera. It’s mirrorless and has some distinct advantages over the older technology…for me anyhow. When I’m looking through the viewfinder I am actually looking at another tiny screen now. Lots more information can be right there. And I can make some adjustments by turning a ring on the new type of lens. The coolest thing is when I take a shot I can briefly see the image I just took, right in the viewfinder. So I don’t have to drop the camera down and look at the back. Extra cool for people like me who need a magnifier to see the back of the camera. So, loving the new R. I call it my pirate camera. Anyone guess why?
Linda and I have been going to the gym and with our trainer pretty regular now. Interesting how short a time it has taken for me to feel far more energized and flexible. Lov’n it. And getting sweaty with Linda has always been fun. Just a little tamer now. (wink)
Lots of shoots coming up over the next month. Some with people I’ve worked with a lot and some with new people. It’s always fun to get creative and see what we can make. The lady in the shower is a new one I’ve only worked with once. We have another date in the calendar though.
And, I’m getting ready for my trip to England/Ireland. More time planning than we will actually be there. But, 3 weeks of wandering and shooting the people, cows, sights, and whatever. And eating. And feeding a 16 year old boy. I’ll try to have some Newsletters on automatic to keep the Wednesday art flowing. We’ll see how well I can manage that. Of course, I’ll be on FB and IG posting something every day I’m sure.
Have a wonderful rest of the week and an amazing weekend!!
On to some art!!
And some art never before seem since I don’t post the ‘tawdry’ work on social media anymore.
Shameless ad
Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.
Edits from this week.
Another flood of edits from the last week. Some from older shoots, but all new edits. Every time I look at what I’ve done over just a week I have the urge….to take a nap. Whew!! Enjoy all of the beautiful people.

Guitars and beautiful women.
What can i say that’s not in the title? I have SO many more, so over the next few weeks I’ll share more.