Welcome to Wednesday! It’s an exciting day for me because today I finally put the 6 week long antenna project onto my tower. A neighbor who has some cool hydraulic type tractors is coming over to raise the antenna enough to clamp it on the lowered tower. Then, up she goes to 55’. And since it is 39’ wide and 19’ long, it is going to be a landmark for a while.
So, this week features Nikole Mitchell and a few of our shoots together. Some are a bit hotter than normal, but I still love romance novel cover material, even though the online stores won’t show books with covers that are even a little racy anymore. I shot Nikole as her first step to a new life. She is an amazing wellness coach and has some stories to tell about her own life and transformation. If you are curious, check her out.
The first picture in the gallery has Nikole next to a very nice yellow Vet. As you’ll see in the video, that was taken in my own driveway. Linda even gets in the picture. Our ‘hood doesn’t have any little kids around much anymore and we got away with it. I think most of my neighbors have figured out something ‘different’ is often happening at my house. We all leave each other alone pretty much. Same at Bonita for the most part.
As Linda and I struggle through the fresh air, hikes up the creek, clearing the lot to be fire safe, and other little projects up here at Bonita Creek, we have been reading about the new strains of virus starting to surge. My son even caught it again. So, we are changing up our travel plans for this summer to just stay up here and mostly just hide from the world. It is easy to do up here. The sun comes up, we get busy on things we love doing, and before we know it, there is a beautiful sunset going on so we sit and watch that. You know the sunsets are just like any other kind of art. Without someone to enjoy it, it’s just pictures or colors in the sky.
I do really miss working with people to create new art. As you may have caught from the videos that I like to chat and set a mood. Sometimes it’s a ‘dad joke’ mood…not very artistic. But hey. If you listen close to this video you’ll hear a Disney joke.
We partook in Amazon’s deal day yesterday and have some new Apple Watches coming. Our old ones will be our hiking and yard work watches and the new ones will do more to monitor our health and some other new things. At least that’s what we told ourselves to justify new toys we really don’t need. We have a couple individual swinging chairs coming too that will have hooks on the deck so we can read, surf, or nap in our own little cocoon.
Until next week!
Stay cool and happy!
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